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Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

One Ok Rock - The Beginning Lyrics

Just give me a reason,
To keep my heart beating..
Don’t worry it’s safe right here in my arms,
As the world falls apart around us..
All we can do is hold on, hold on,

Take my hand..
And bring me back,

I risk everything if it’s for you..
I whisper into the night,
Telling me it’s not my time and don’t give up..
I’ve never stood up before this time,
Demo yuzurenai mono itta kono te wo hanasanai..

So stand up, stand up (Just gotta keep on running),
Wake up, wake up (Just tell me how I can)..
Never give up,
Kuru wa shimi hodo setsunai..

Just tell me why baby,
They might call me crazy..
For saying I’d fight until there is no more,
Fureri wo fukunda senkougankou wa kankakiteki shoudou..
Blinded, I can’t see the end,
So where do I begin?

Say another word, I can't hear you,
The silence between us..
Nanimo nai you ni utsuteru dake,
I take this chance that I make you mine..
Tada kakusenai mono kattate yori misekakete,

So stand up, stand up (Just gotta keep on running)..
Wake up, wake up (Just tell me how I can),
Never give up..
Kanashimi to setsunasa,

Just give me a reason..
To keep my heart beating,
Don’t worry it’s safe right here in my arms..
Kudaketenaide saite jita kono omoi wa,
So blinded I can’t see the end..

Look how far we made it,
The pain I can’t escape it..
Kono mamajya mada owarase koto wa dekinai deshou,
Nando kutabarisou demo kuchi hateyou tomo owariwanaisa..
So where do I begin?

Nigirishimeta ushinawanu youni to..
Te wo hirogereba koboreochisou de,
Ushinau mono nado nakatta hibino dasei wo suteteĆ¢€¦kimi wo..

Just tell me why baby,
They might call me crazy..
For saying I’d fight until there is no more,
Fureri ukanda senkougankou wa kangakiteki shoudou..
Blinded, I can’t see the end,

Look how far we made it..
The pain I can’t escape it,
Kono mamajya mada owaraseru koto wa dekinai deshou..
Nando kutabarisou demo kuchi hateyou tomo owariwanaisa,
It finally begins..

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

4 Sifat Manusia

Hai sobat blogger, sudah lama tak bertemu.. :D
Semoga postingan saya kali ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua, selamat membaca.. :D



* Analitis, Mendalam, Dan Penuh Pikiran
* Serius Dan bertujuan, Serta berorientasi jadwal
* Artistik, Musikal Dan Kreatif (Filsafat & puitis)
* Sensitif
* Mau mengorbankan Diri Dan idealis
* Standar Tinggi, Dan perfeksionis
* Senang perincian / memerinci, tekun, serba tertib Dan teratur (RAPI)
* Hemat
* Melihat masalah Dan MENCARI Solusi pemecahan Kreatif (sering terlalu Kreatif)
* Kalau sudah MULAI, dituntaskan.
* Berteman Artikel Baru Hati-Hati.
* Puas di Belakang xp, menghindari perhatian.
* Mau mendengar keluhan, setia Dan mengabdi
* Ulasan Sangat memperhatikan orangutan lain MELANKOLIS


* Cenderung melihat masalah dari sisi negatif (murung dan tertekan)
* Mengingat yang negatif & pendendam
* Mudah merasa bersalah dan memiliki citra diri rendah
* Lebih menekankan pada cara daripada tercapainya tujuan
* Tertekan pada situasi yg tidak sempurna dan berubah-ubah
* Melewatkan banyak waktu untuk menganalisa dan merencanakan (if..if..if..)
* Standar yang terlalu tinggi sehingga sulit disenangkan
* Hidup berdasarkan definisi
* Sulit bersosialisasi
* Tukang kritik, tetapi sensitif terhadap kritik/ yg menentang dirinya
* Sulit mengungkapkan perasaan (cenderung menahan kasih sayang)
* Rasa curiga yg besar (skeptis terhadap pujian)
* Memerlukan persetujuan


* Mudah bergaul, santai, tenang dan teguh
* Sabar, seimbang, dan pendengar yang baik
* Tidak banyak bicara, tetapi cenderung bijaksana
* Simpatik dan baik hati (sering menyembunyikan emosi)
* Kuat di bidang administrasi, dan cenderung ingin segalanya terorganisasi
* Penengah masalah yg baik
* Cenderung berusaha menemukan cara termudah
* Baik di bawah tekanan
* Menyenangkan dan tidak suka menyinggung perasaan
* Rasa humor yg tajam
* Senang melihat dan mengawasi
* Berbelaskasihan dan peduli
* Mudah diajak rukun dan damai

* Kurang antusias, terutama terhadap perubahan/ kegiatan baru
* Takut dan khawatir
* Menghindari konflik dan tanggung jawab
* Keras kepala, sulit kompromi (karena merasa benar)
* Terlalu pemalu dan pendiam
* Humor kering dan mengejek (Sarkatis)
* Kurang berorientasi pada tujuan
* Sulit bergerak dan kurang memotivasi diri
* Lebih suka sebagai penonton daripada terlibat
* Tidak senang didesak-desak
* Menunda-nunda / menggantungkan masalah.



* Suka bicara
* Secara fisik memegang pendengar, emosional dan demonstratif
* Antusias dan ekspresif
* Ceria dan penuh rasa ingin tahu
* Hidup di masa sekarang
* Mudah berubah (banyak kegiatan / keinginan)
* Berhati tulus dan kekanak-kanakan
* Senang kumpul dan berkumpul (untuk bertemu dan bicara)
* Umumnya hebat di permukaan
* Mudah berteman dan menyukai orang lain
* Senang dengan pujian dan ingin menjadi perhatian
* Menyenangkan dan dicemburui orang lain
* Mudah memaafkan (dan tidak menyimpan dendam)
* Mengambil inisiatif/ menghindar dari hal-hal atau keadaan yang membosankan
* Menyukai hal-hal yang spontan


* Suara dan tertawa yang keras (terlalu keras)
* Membesar-besarkan suatu hal / kejadian
* Susah untuk diam
* Mudah ikut-ikutan atau dikendalikan oleh keadaan atau orang lain (suka nge-Gank)
* Sering minta persetujuan, termasuk hal-hal yang sepele
* RKP! (Rentang Konsentrasi Pendek)
* Dalam bekerja lebih suka bicara dan melupakan kewajiban (awalnya saja antusias)
* Mudah berubah-ubah
* Susah datang tepat waktu jam kantor
* Prioritas kegiatan kacau
* Mendominasi percakapan, suka menyela dan susah mendengarkan dengan tuntas
* Sering mengambil permasalahan orang lain, menjadi seolah-olah masalahnya
* Egoistis
* Sering berdalih dan mengulangi cerita-cerita yg sama
* Konsentrasi ke “How to spend money” daripada “How to earn/save money”



* Senang memimpin, membuat keputusan, dinamis dan aktif
* Sangat memerlukan perubahan dan harus mengoreksi kesalahan
* Berkemauan keras dan pasti untuk mencapai sasaran/ target
* Bebas dan mandiri
* Berani menghadapi tantangan dan masalah
* “Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin, hari esok harus lebih baik dari hari ini”.
* Mencari pemecahan praktis dan bergerak cepat
* Mendelegasikan pekerjaan dan orientasi berfokus pada produktivitas
* Membuat dan menentukan tujuan
* Terdorong oleh tantangan dan tantangan
* Tidak begitu perlu teman
* Mau memimpin dan mengorganisasi
* Biasanya benar dan punya visi ke depan
* Unggul dalam keadaan darurat


* Tidak sabar dan cepat marah (kasar dan tidak taktis)
* Senang memerintah
* Terlalu bergairah dan tidak/susah untuk santai
* Menyukai kontroversi dan pertengkaran
* Terlalu kaku dan kuat/ keras
* Tidak menyukai air mata dan emosi tidak simpatik
* Tidak suka yang sepele dan bertele-tele / terlalu rinci
* Sering membuat keputusan tergesa-gesa
* Memanipulasi dan menuntut orang lain, cenderung memperalat orang lain
* Menghalalkan segala cara demi tercapainya tujuan
* Workaholics (kerja adalah “tuhan”-nya)
* Amat sulit mengaku salah dan meminta maaf
* Mungkin selalu benar tetapi tidak populer

Terimakasih sudah membaca artikel saya, sampai bertemu lagi di postingan saya selanjutnya.. :D

My First Story - Still Lyrics

Afraid that if you turned away,
But this heartache tonight..
This can’t be forever,
The raining hold me now..
So no way to talk to you,
Anyone tell me how can i talk to you..
Dou suru koto mo dekizu ni for you for you,

Cause I know..
Nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
Umaku ienaikedo iwanakya..
Tsutawaru koto sae nai,

Became so close to me..
I could not ignore myself,
Anomama no ho ga yokatta no ka na…?
Demo modoru koto wa mou dekinai kara,
You know this story is no fiction of me..
Don’t close it, please read it, then tell me,
Kimi no motome koto saede kizu for me for me..

Cause I know nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
Umaku ienaikedo iwanakya..
Tsutawaru koto sae nai,

The voice inside my heart..
Starting fill up my heart,
My heart bleeding for you..
Can I break this silence.?
The word I say I Swear could be last forever !!

Watch me so I can tell,
To make you know my pain !!
Behaving bad for you,
Don’t even notice me..
I’m screaming to you but,
Don’t even notice me..
I’ll never get you down,
Love you more than the song said you know yeah …!

Now I see you, but I can’t feel you anymore,
Boku wa koko ni iru kedo..

Cause i know nani wo shite itatte kimi ga kanarazu ite,
I could not say goodbye..
I should not forget it yet!
Tsutawarukotosa enai..

Kono kimochisura toitenaikeredo,
I can’t live this way forever..

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Howie D. Followed Me On Twitter

Hai sobat blogger yang saya sayangi.. ~ :*
Lama tak jumpa ya sobat.!? Kangen gak nih.?
Enggak ya.? :( aduh sedihnya.. ==" hehe..

Kali ini saya cuma mau nulis postingan yang gaje kayaknya.. XD
Jadi terserah kalian mau membacanya atau tidak..
Hehehe.. ^_^

Sobat, kalian tau tidak band legendaris Backstreet Boys.?
Tentunya kalian tahu kan.?? :D
Nah, salah satu personil dari Backstreet Boys yang bernama Howie Dorough atau biasa di sapa Howie D. ini ternyata FOLLOW ane di Twitter nih gan.! :D
Cowok kelahiran 22 Agustus 1973 ini memiliki akun twitter yang bernama @howied dan twitter ane yang bernama @EL_September .. XD hehe.. *promosi ceritanya*

Sebernya dia udah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget follow aku, tapi ane baru tahu kemarin-kemarin.. pas lagi lihat semua followers.. :D *capek + pusing lihatnya*
Ceritanya gini nih sobat, kan itu VERIFIED ACCOUNT tuh.. gue cuma lihat foto profilnya kece banget.. artis mana nih.? *fikir gue* pas gue buka ternyata dia PERSONIL BACKSTREET BOYS dan saat itu gue cuma tau nama band nya.. sedangkan personilnya gak ada yang tahu sama sekali.. XD
*kalau WESTLIFE gue tahu semua* :D hehe..

Pas baca biodatanya di situ ada tulisan " Hi I'm Howie D from the Backstreet Boys........ " dan refleks gue langsung mangap tuh.. XD Backstreet Boys.???? wahhh.. kenapa gue baru nyadar ya.? aduhh.. stupid.! *fikir gue sambil cengar-cengir* dan dari situ bio gue langsung di ganti.. *tadi nya cuma @CodySimpson Followed* sekarang semua VERIFIED ACCOUNT yang follow gue, gue tulis di bio* XD #pamer
Hehe.. narsis sedikit gak apa-apa kali yee.. :p wkwk..

Nah ini dia foto Howie Dorough sang Personil Backstreet Boys.. :D

*aduh masih kece aja nih* :D :* ihiww.. haha..

Nah, itu dia sobat postingan gaje dari ane..
Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian para fans Backstreet Boys yang mungkin mencari akun twitter Howie Dorough dan lain sebagainya.. XD
Sampai jumpa dalam postingan ane selanjutnya.... Byeee.. :*
#Jangan Lupa Follow ane @EL_September

Howie D. - Back For Me Lyrics

No matter how many times I try to say it,
looks like she made up her mind that she can save this..
so now she keeps coming back to me (back to me... back..),
and I can't help that I don't feel the same..
girl I'm sorry but,

you're only making this harder for you..
coz loving is something that I just can't do,
girl you had a chance but now it's time to move on..
and now we gotta go our separate ways,

it doesn't matter what you do or you say..
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change,
but you keep coming back to the same one place..
girl it feels like you are my boomerang,

she's coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
here she comes,

girl I keep walking away..
and still you come back,
with every step that I take..
you take me one back,
but this is killing me..
why can't you just let me go and move on,
girl I'm sorry but..

you're only making this harder for you,
coz loving is something that I just can't do..
girl you had a chance but now it's time to move on,
and now we gotta go our separate ways girl..

it doesn't matter what you do or you say,
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change..
but you keep coming back to the same one place,
girl it feels like you are my boomerang..

she's coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
here she comes..

no matter where I wanna go,
(where I want to go)..
you're always pulling me back where we started,
it's time to pick up and go (go go go)..
coz this is your final turn,

it doesn't matter what you do or you say..
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change,
but you keep coming back to the same one place..
girl it feels like you are my boomerang,

(it doesn't matter....)..

it doesn't matter what you do or you say,
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change..
but you keep coming back to the same one place,
girl it feels like you are my boomerang..

she's coming back to me, back to me,
coming back to me, back to me..
coming back to me, back to me,
here she comes..

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Maroon 5 - Daylight Lyrics

Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon,
Why am I holding on.?
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along,
How did it come so fast.?

This is our last night but it's late,
And I'm trying not to sleep..
Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away,

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go..
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close,
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own..
But tonight I need to hold you so close,

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,

Here I am staring at your perfection..
In my arms, so beautiful,
The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out..
Somebody slow it down,

This is way too hard, cause I know..
When the sun comes up, I will leave,
This is my last glance that will soon be memory..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..

I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, start all over,
I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go,
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close..
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own,
But tonight I need to hold you so close..

Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah,
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah..
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah),
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah.!

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

One Direction - One Way Or Another Lyrics

One way or another I’m gonna find ya,
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..
One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..
One day, maybe next week,
I’m gonna meetcha, I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha..

I will drive past your house,
And if the lights are all out..
I’ll see who’s around,

One way or another I’m gonna find ya..
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha,
One way or another I’m gonna win ya..
I’ll getcha, I’ll getcha,

One way or another I’m gonna see ya..
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha,
One day, maybe next week..
I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha,

And if the lights are all out..
I’ll follow your bus downtown,
See who’s hanging out..

One, two, three, four,

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na..
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na,

I wanna hold you..
Wanna hold you tight,
Wanna hold you tight..
Wanna hold you tight,
Yeah teenage kicks right..
through the night,

I wanna hold you..
Wanna hold you tight,
Wanna hold you tight..
Wanna hold you tight,
Yeah teenage kicks right..
through the night,

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..

One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..

One way or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another I’m gonna see ya,
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha..
One day or another I’m gonna win ya,
I`m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha..

One way or another,